What is a disciple?

The word disciple is the Greek word 'mathetes', literally translated 'to follow'. Therefore, it is much more than simply a student or pupil. A disciple is someone who adheres to and conforms to the teachings of another, making it their way of life. This is why to follow Jesus is sometimes referred to as The Way (John 14:6, Acts 22:4, Acts 19:23, Acts 24:14).
Quite simply, discipleship is community, and community is discipleship.
Quite simply, discipleship is community, and community is discipleship.
The disciple lifestyle

Living life and embarking on your spiritual journey with others is imperative! Through weekly sermons and lessons, hanging together outside of church services, and serving together through gospel-centered activities, connections are made easily with others in our church!
We desire for each person to actively pursue growth opportunities each week.
(Acts 4:42-47, Hebrews 3:12-14, 1 Timothy 4:7-8, 15, 2 Timothy 2:2)
We desire to grow because God isn't finished with us yet!
We desire for each person to actively pursue growth opportunities each week.
(Acts 4:42-47, Hebrews 3:12-14, 1 Timothy 4:7-8, 15, 2 Timothy 2:2)
We desire to grow because God isn't finished with us yet!
Disciples live with purpose:
Disciples Worship
Worship is vital to spiritual health and maturity. It is also more than gathering at a building once a week. Worship is an expression of faith and adoration towards the Lord in our daily attitudes and actions; putting God first through each life experience.

Disciples Work
God has given each believer unique gifts and abilities to add value to the local body of Christ and to impact their world. We believe spiritual health relies upon individuals using those gifts and abilities, and fulfilling his or her role within the church and beyond.

Disciples Witness
God sent His only Son with a message of light for a dark world. As believers, we should endeavor to follow Christ’s teachings and example to “seek” those who are lost. Be a witness, share a testimony, and invite others to experience new life in Jesus Christ!