Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The Bible shows us God’s immense desire to reach the world with the message of salvation. He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. God sent His only Son with a message of light for a dark world. As believers, we should endeavor to follow Christ’s teachings and example to “seek” those who are lost.
Since its inception, Liberty Baptist Church has had a passion to see souls saved on the mission field, no matter if that mission field is on American soil or in a distant land. Our contributions are directed to various outreach efforts such as Bible distribution in Thailand and Cambodia as well as vital resources for the terror stricken of West Africa, as well as the incarcerated, homeless, addicted, and rural youth across America.
Not only do we support several on the field missionaries, we also personally involve ourselves in helping with starting new churches, assisting on foreign fields, and serving directly with our military.
Whether we are making disciples as we encounter people throughout a normal day or if we're jet setting to a distant destination, reaching others with the message of Jesus Christ is our passion!
Since its inception, Liberty Baptist Church has had a passion to see souls saved on the mission field, no matter if that mission field is on American soil or in a distant land. Our contributions are directed to various outreach efforts such as Bible distribution in Thailand and Cambodia as well as vital resources for the terror stricken of West Africa, as well as the incarcerated, homeless, addicted, and rural youth across America.
Not only do we support several on the field missionaries, we also personally involve ourselves in helping with starting new churches, assisting on foreign fields, and serving directly with our military.
Whether we are making disciples as we encounter people throughout a normal day or if we're jet setting to a distant destination, reaching others with the message of Jesus Christ is our passion!

One of our members serving at a church plant in Big Bear, CA

Our group headed to Peru for a missions trip